Henry Mehmet Gulergun

For Salem School Committee

Invest in Salem’s Future

Building a stronger future for Salem

My goal is to promote equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their background, and ensure they have access to the resources they need to succeed.

Increase Access to Mental Health Services: With the need for in-person and virtual services far outpacing the capacity, Salem needs to proactively address student mental health.

Equity in the Class Room and in the Hallway: With the resources and added support, all students should be able to reach personal growth and developmental goals regardless of personal obstacles or how they identify.

Fighting for Salem’s High-Needs Students: With my lived experience as a high-needs student, I will serve as the voice for the 72% of Salem Students who fall in high needs categories.

Bringing our community together

I am dedicated to creating a fair and inclusive educational system that prioritizes safety, mental health support, and assistance for all students, especially those with high needs.

Address Teacher Retention: I will advocate for Salem's teachers to ensure we improve teacher retention to match that of other North Shore communities.

Empower Parents: Parents should have the opportunity to be engaged with their child's education, regardless of their work or other outside obligations.

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